
6 Basic But Essential Tools for Your Ecommerce Website

In ecommerce, it’s important to know if your efforts are actually bringing you back revenue. One of the best ways to do this is by making use of tools that will help you measure your tactics.

So to guide you through and help your online store, here are some of the basic tools you must use in order to keep track of your performance.


1. Crazy Egg

5 Careless Ecommerce Mistakes You Might Be Making

One of the biggest reasons why some ecommerce websites fail is because they commit careless mistakes. Such petty lapses can lead to fewer customers, lower web traffic and not far behind, a poor ROI.

The good news is mistakes can be avoided and fixed. So take a look at this list of common ecommerce mistakes you might already be making.


Can't Add Products to the Cart

One of our client recently told us that one of her customer is not able to add any product to the shopping cart, nor login to the website. We think that it is a problem with the browser cookie not enabled.

Ouch! We Just Bought A Vessel Main Engine

There’s always been a cloud of controversies surrounding the use of email marketing. Others seem to be doing a great job at it while a lot seem to well, naturally suck— which brings me to an email I received yesterday.

I was checking my email as usual. When I hovered my pointer onto the Inbox, there it was: a new message— with a gibberish title. All I could make out was they’re trying to sell me an engine of some sort.

5 Easy Steps to Effective Landing Page

Landing pages are like your forefront warriors in battle. They are the first in line and are trusted to get as much enemies as they can before all the other knights follow. They try to make everything else easier for the fleet.

In the realm of landing pages, we don’t really call them ‘enemies’. Instead, we regard them as leads that can be eventually converted into sales.

Your Step By Step Guide To Create a Facebook Business Page

If there’s one thing Facebook has done, it’s to revolutionize the way we connect with people online.

This social networking site has done more than help people make new friends. Through a business perspective, it has made a great impact on market expansion and profit generation— which all starts in making just one page.

For this post, I’m going to walk you through creating a Facebook page for your business step by step. Along the way, I’m going to let you in on different tips to making this page work.

Introduction to Landing Page

Whenever I deliberately visit or stumble upon a website, the first page I see can either turn me off or get me hooked. That’s why I am a firm believer of creating landing pages that work because really, it determines whether or not a website visitor would bother to click further.

For this post, we’re going to talk about the introduction to landing page design. This can be especially helpful for those who’s just starting out or even those who are looking to give their website a complete do over.

To get us started, let’s define what a landing page is.

Email Marketing 101

When you’re running a business, you want to reach your target market as often and as widely as possible— especially when you’re running it online.

One of the ways that you can communicate with your market is through email marketing. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about doing random e-mail blasts and spamming everyone else’s emails. I’m talking about permissive, targeted and nurturing emails that allows you to convert leads into sales.

6 Secrets of A Highly Successful Email Campaign

When you’re a visual person like I am, design counts— big time. Sometimes even if the information written is not that significant but presented really well, we’re driven to learn more about it.

Even in the world of internet marketing, design plays a big role in putting businesses in a very good position. One way to show off your design skills is through crafting emails for marketing.

Paid Shipping? Free Shipping?

Whenever we’re shopping online, we always try to get the best deal possible. As an avid fan of online shopping myself, I like to make the most out of my money— possibly even getting something free hopefully. That’s why I make sure where I buy online is a place where I can get the best value for my investment.

One of the factors that drives me to buy or not to buy something is shipping. I’m pretty sure it matters to you too.

Shipping is one thing that keeps or makes consumers avail of products/ services. That’s why today, I’m going to share more about the two kinds of shipping that can be both beneficial and risky for any business.


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